
藻际圈—拯救海洋的阿拉丁神灯!海南大学海洋技术协同创新中心路延笃团队在Trends in Microbiology发表藻际圈文章


微藻是海洋生态系统中最重要的初级生产者,通过光合作用高效的将二氧化碳转化为有机物,贡献了全球40% 以上的有机碳,在全球碳循环中发挥着关键作用。微藻在水体中并不孤独。微藻周围和细胞内部生活着一系列的微生物,统称为微生物组,其中细菌是迄今为止数量最多的成员。由微藻及其相关的微生物组形成了藻际圈。藻际圈不断适应变化的水体环境,应对并修复日益加剧的海洋污染。藻际圈与海洋的健康息息相关,共同构筑了命运共同体。因此,深入认知藻际微生物互作机制、解析污染水体修复过程中藻—菌之间交互作用,不仅具有重要的科学意义,同时对构筑和谐健康的海洋生态环境具有重要的现实意义。

近日,Trends in Microbiology在线发表了海南大学海洋学院、南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室路延笃团队题为“Synergy between microalgae and microbiome in polluted waters”的论文(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2022.06.004)。针对污染水体环境中藻-微生物组研究的最新进展,文章指出,藻际圈,既可被认为是一种独立的生命形式(如同人体与其相关的微生物组);当暴露于污染环境时,藻菌通力协作,共御外敌;通过营养交换、胞外多聚物分泌、信号分子转导调控、水平基因转移等调节生命过程、改变基因组组成,以实现短期、中期或长期适应。同时,藻际圈也可被认为是一群生命体的集合,面临外敌时,彼此之间或寄生、或共生共栖、或对抗竞争,不断调整各自关系,更迭群落结构,以适应多变的水体环境。


博士后Noreen Ashraf和Fiaz Ahmad为该论文第一作者,路延笃研究员为通讯作者。该研究得到了中国博士后基金和海南省博士后创新计划等项目的资助。





Phycosphere——Aladdin’s magic lamp to diseased waters

Microalgae is an effective and economical way of dealing with aquatic pollution. Microalgae and bacteria are living together after the great oxygenation event that took place 2150 million years ago and evolved to develop an efficient mutualism for their survival and remediation of polluted environments through nutrient exchange, extracellular polymer secretion, signal transduction regulation, community structure changes, horizontal gene transfer. The algal microbiome is closely related to the health of the ocean, and together they build a community of shared future. Therefore, in-depth understanding of the inter-algal microbial interaction mechanism and analysis of the interaction between algae and bacteria in the process of remediation of polluted water is not only of great scientific significance, but also has important practical significance for building a harmonious and healthy marine ecological environment.

Recently, Trends in Microbiology published an article titled “Synergy between microalgae and microbiome in polluted waters” by SCBE group niversity (doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2022.06.004). This paper reviews the latest progress in algal-microbiome research in polluted water environments. It points out that, like the human microbiome, the union of microalgae and related microbiomes, can be thought of as an independent life form. When exposed to polluted environments, algal symbionts regulate life processes at different levels, including metabolism, signal transduction, tranion, population, and genome, and alter community structure or genome composition to achieve short- and medium-term acclimation or long-term adaptation. The article also proposes the concept of "PollutantBiome" which help to understand microalgae-microbiome interactions and development of beneficial microbial synthetic communities for pollutant remediation. Finally, the article looks forward to the prospect that the artificially designed and delicate microalgae-microbiome symbionts are expected to become Aladdin's magic lamp for treating polluted oceans, serving the health of water ecosystems, and ultimately benefiting human society and realizing the sustainable development of human beings and the ocean.

Postdoctoral fellows Dr. Noreen Ashrafand Dr. Fiaz Ahmadare the first authors and Prof. Dr. Yandu Luis the corresponding author.

Article link:


Call for Postdoctoral and Doctoral Programs for International Students

Hainan Provincelocates on the southernmost tip of China and is the only Free Trade Island of China. Hainan University (HNU) is a comprehensive key university jointly administered by the State Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Hainan Province. It is a leading university for science research and teaching of Hainan Province and was listed as one of China’s “211 Project” universities, one of the 14 universities in the “Midwest Universities Comprehensive Strength Promotion Project”, and a national-level key sponsored university in the “One Province, One School” project in the Midwest of China. In 2017, HNU was selected as the national “Double First-Class” Initiative to develop world-class disciplines. As an integrated institute of Hainan University, HNU has become one of the research and education centers in China.

Unicellular planktons, with anestimate of almost one million species, are of great ecological importance, as they contribute almost half of the global organic carbon fixation. They provide a variety of natural products to support ecosystems (e.g., coral reef ecosystem) by photosynthesis with efficiencies approximately three times greater than those achieved by land plants. Domesticated microalgae hold great promise for the sustainable provision of various bioresources for human domestic and industrial consumption.

The main interest of Single-cell BioEngineering Group (SCBE) is the evolution, function, and editing of single-cell microalgal genomes and design of synthetic biology using microalgae as chassis, including (1) Characterization and engineering crucial biological process and value-added chemical in microalgae; (2) Development and application of synthetic biology in cell factory design for medical, industrial, and agriculture ends; (3) The interaction mechanism between microalgae and other microbes and strategy development for heavy-metal remediation approach using these consortia.

We are now calling for Postdoctoral and Doctoral Programs for International Students

For more details: http://www.scbioengineering.com/recruit

  • END



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