伟林,中年码农,从事过电信、手机、安全、芯片等行业,目前依旧从事Linux方向开发工作,个人爱好Linux相关知识分享,个人微博CSDN pwl999,欢迎大家关注!
1.1.2、bpf verifier
1.1.3、bpf JIT/kernel interpreter
1.2、bpf map操作
1.3、obj pin
BPF的字面上意思Berkeley Packet Filter意味着它是从包过滤而来。如果在开始前对BPF缺乏感性的认识建议先看一下参考文档:“3.1、Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) (Kernel Document)”、“3.2、BPF and XDP Reference Guide”。
- 内核中实现了一个cBPF/eBPF虚拟机;
- 用户态可以用C来写运行的代码,再通过一个Clang&LLVM的编译器将C代码编译成BPF目标码;
- 用户态通过系统调用bpf将BPF目标码注入到内核当中;
- 内核通过JIT(Just-In-Time)将BPF目编码转换成本地指令码;如果当前架构不支持JIT转换内核则会使用一个解析器(interpreter)来模拟运行,这种运行效率较低;
- 内核在packet filter和tracing等应用中提供了一系列的钩子来运行BPF代码。目前支持以下类型的BPF代码:
static int __init register_sk_filter_ops(void){bpf_register_prog_type(&sk_filter_type);bpf_register_prog_type(&sched_cls_type);bpf_register_prog_type(&sched_act_type);bpf_register_prog_type(&xdp_type);bpf_register_prog_type(&cg_skb_type);
return 0;}
- 一个BPF程序的代码数量不能超过BPF_MAXINSNS (4K),它的总运行步数不能超过32K (4.9内核中这个值改成了96k);
- BPF代码中禁止循环,这也是为了保证出错时不会出现死循环来hang死内核。一个BPF程序总的可能的分支数也被限制到1K;
- 为了限制它的作用域,BPF代码不能访问全局变量,只能访问局部变量。一个BPF程序只有512字节的堆栈。在开始时会传入一个ctx指针,BPF程序的数据访问就被限制在ctx变量和堆栈局部变量中;
- 如果BPF需要访问全局变量,它只能访问BPF map对象。BPF map对象是同时能被用户态、BPF程序、内核态共同访问的,BPF对map的访问通过helper function来实现;
- 旧版本BPF代码中不支持BPF对BPF函数的调用,所以所有的BPF函数必须声明成always_inline。在Linux内核4.16和LLVM 6.0以后,才支持BPF to BPF Calls;
- BPF虽然不能函数调用,但是它可以使用Tail Call机制从一个BPF程序直接跳转到另一个BPF程序。它需要通过BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY类型的map来知道另一个BPF程序的指针。这种跳转的次数也是有限制的,32次;
- BPF程序可以调用一些内核函数来辅助做一些事情(helper function);
- 有些架构(64 bit x86_64, arm64, ppc64, s390x, mips64, sparc64 and 32 bit arm)已经支持BPF的JIT,它可以高效的几乎一比一的把BPF代码转换成本机代码(因为eBPF的指令集已经做了优化,非常类似最新的arm/x86架构,ABI也类似)。如果当前架构不支持JTI只能使用内核的解析器(interpreter)来模拟运行;
- 内核还可以通过一些额外的手段来加固BPF的安全性(Hardening)。主要包括:把BPF代码映像和JIT代码映像的page都锁成只读,JIT编译时把常量致盲(constant blinding),以及对bpf系统调用的权限限制;
对BPF这些安全规则的检查主要是在BPF代码加载时,通过BPF verifier来实现的。大概分为两步:
- 第一步,通过DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph 有向无环图)的DFS(Depth-first Search)深度优先算法来遍历BPF程序的代码路径,确保没有环路发生;
- 第二步,逐条分析BPF每条指令的运行,对register和对stack的影响,最坏情况下是否有越界行为(对变量的访问是否越界,运行的指令数是否越界)。这里也有一个快速分析的优化方法:修剪(Pruning)。如果当前指令的当前分支的状态,和当前指令另一个已分析分支的状态相等或者是它的一个子集,那么当前指令的当前分支就不需要分析了,因为它肯定是符合规则的。
if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && sysctl_unprivileged_bpf_disabled)return -EPERM;
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, uattr, 1))return -EFAULT;
if (size > PAGE_SIZE) /* silly large */return -E2BIG;
/* If we're handed a bigger struct than we know of,* ensure all the unknown bits are 0 - i.e. new* user-space does not rely on any kernel feature* extensions we dont know about yet.*/if (size > sizeof(attr)) {unsigned char __user *addr;unsigned char __user *end;unsigned char val;
addr = (void __user *)uattr + sizeof(attr);end = (void __user *)uattr + size;
for (; addr < end; addr++) {err = get_user(val, addr);if (err)return err;if (val)return -E2BIG;}size = sizeof(attr);}
/* copy attributes from user space, may be less than sizeof(bpf_attr) */if (copy_from_user(&attr, uattr, size) != 0)return -EFAULT;
switch (cmd) {case BPF_MAP_CREATE:err = map_create(&attr);break;case BPF_MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM:err = map_lookup_elem(&attr);break;case BPF_MAP_UPDATE_ELEM:err = map_update_elem(&attr);break;case BPF_MAP_DELETE_ELEM:err = map_delete_elem(&attr);break;case BPF_MAP_GET_NEXT_KEY:err = map_get_next_key(&attr);break;case BPF_PROG_LOAD:err = bpf_prog_load(&attr);break;case BPF_OBJ_PIN:err = bpf_obj_pin(&attr);break;case BPF_OBJ_GET:err = bpf_obj_get(&attr);break;
#ifdef CONFIG_CGROUP_BPFcase BPF_PROG_ATTACH:err = bpf_prog_attach(&attr);break;case BPF_PROG_DETACH:err = bpf_prog_detach(&attr);break;#endif
default:err = -EINVAL;break;}
return err;}
- 拷贝程序到内核;
- 校验它的安全性;
- 如果可能对它进行JIT编译;
- 然后分配一个文件句柄fd给它。
/* copy eBPF program license from user space *//* (1.1) 根据attr->license地址,从用户空间拷贝license字符串到内核 */if (strncpy_from_user(license, u64_to_ptr(attr->license),sizeof(license) - 1) < 0)return -EFAULT;license[sizeof(license) - 1] = 0;
/* eBPF programs must be GPL compatible to use GPL-ed functions *//* (1.2) 判断license是否符合GPL协议 */is_gpl = license_is_gpl_compatible(license);
/* (1.3) 判断BPF的总指令数是否超过BPF_MAXINSNS(4k) */if (attr->insn_cnt >= BPF_MAXINSNS)return -EINVAL;
/* (1.4) 如果加载BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE类型的BPF程序,指定的内核版本需要和当前内核版本匹配。不然由于内核的改动,可能会附加到错误的地址上。*/if (type == BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE &&attr->kern_version != LINUX_VERSION_CODE)return -EINVAL;
/* plain bpf_prog allocation *//* (2.1) 根据BPF指令数分配bpf_prog空间,和bpf_prog->aux空间 */prog = bpf_prog_alloc(bpf_prog_size(attr->insn_cnt), GFP_USER);if (!prog)return -ENOMEM;
/* (2.2) 把整个bpf_prog空间在当前进程的memlock_limit中锁定 */err = bpf_prog_charge_memlock(prog);if (err)goto free_prog_nouncharge;
prog->len = attr->insn_cnt;
err = -EFAULT;/* (2.3) 把BPF代码从用户空间地址attr->insns,拷贝到内核空间地址prog->insns */if (copy_from_user(prog->insns, u64_to_ptr(attr->insns),prog->len * sizeof(struct bpf_insn)) != 0)goto free_prog;
prog->orig_prog = NULL;prog->jited = 0;
atomic_set(&prog->aux->refcnt, 1);prog->gpl_compatible = is_gpl ? 1 : 0;
/* find program type: socket_filter vs tracing_filter *//* (2.4) 根据attr->prog_type指定的type值,找到对应的bpf_prog_types,给bpf_prog->aux->ops赋值,这个ops是一个函数操作集*/err = find_prog_type(type, prog);if (err < 0)goto free_prog;
/* run eBPF verifier *//* (3) 使用verifer对BPF程序进行合法性扫描 */err = bpf_check(&prog, attr);if (err < 0)goto free_used_maps;
/* eBPF program is ready to be JITed *//* (4) 尝试对BPF程序进行JIT转换 */prog = bpf_prog_select_runtime(prog, &err);if (err < 0)goto free_used_maps;
/* (5) 给BPF程序分配一个文件句柄fd */err = bpf_prog_new_fd(prog);if (err < 0)/* failed to allocate fd */goto free_used_maps;
return err;
free_used_maps:free_used_maps(prog->aux);free_prog:bpf_prog_uncharge_memlock(prog);free_prog_nouncharge:bpf_prog_free(prog);return err;}
这其中对BPF来说有个重要的数据结构就是struct bpf_prog:
- len:程序包含bpf指令的数量;
- type:当前bpf程序的类型(kprobe/tracepoint/perf_event/sk_filter/sched_cls/sched_act/xdp/cg_skb);
- aux:主要用来辅助verifier校验和转换的数据;
- orig_prog:
- bpf_func:运行时BPF程序的入口。如果JIT转换成功,这里指向的就是BPF程序JIT转换后的映像;否则这里指向内核解析器(interpreter)的通用入口__bpf_prog_run;
- insnsi[]:从用户态拷贝过来的,BPF程序原始指令的存放空间;
1.1.2、bpf verifier
关于verifier的步骤和规则,在“3.1、Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) (Kernel Document)”一文的“eBPF verifier”一节有详细描述。
另外,在kernel/bpf/verifier.c文件的开头对eBPF verifier也有一段详细的注释:
1、第一步是深度优先搜索,检查程序是否为DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph 有向无环图)。它将会拒绝以下程序:
- 大于BPF_MAXINSNS条指令(BPF_MAXINSNS=4096)- 如果出现循环(通过back-edge检测)- 不可达的指令存在(不应该是森林,程序等于一个函数)- 越界或畸形的跳跃
- 因为它分析了程序所有的路径,这个分析的最大长度限制为32k个指令,即使指令总数小于4k也会受到影响,因为有太多的分支改变了堆栈/寄存器。- 分支的分析数量被限制为1k。
- rule 1、如果指令是BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_1, BPF_REG_5),则将R5的类型复制到R1。
所有寄存器都是64位的。* R0 -返回寄存器 * R1-R5参数传递寄存器 * R6-R9被调用方保存寄存器 * R10 -帧指针只读
- rule 2、在BPF程序开始时,寄存器R1包含一个指向bpf_context的指针,类型为PTR_TO_CTX。
- rule 3、verifier跟踪指针上的算术运算:
- rule 4、大多数时候寄存器都有UNKNOWN_VALUE类型,这意味着寄存器有一些值,但它不是一个有效的指针。(就像指针+指针变成了UNKNOWN_VALUE类型)
- rule 5、当verifier看到load指令或store指令时,基本寄存器的类型可以是:PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE、PTR_TO_CTX、FRAME_PTR。这是由check_mem_access函数识别的三种指针类型。
- rule 6、PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE表示这个寄存器指向‘map元素的值’,并且可以访问[ptr, ptr + map value_size)的范围。
- rule 7、寄存器用于向函数调用传递参数,将根据函数参数约束进行检查。
ARG_PTR_TO_MAP_KEY就是这样的参数约束之一。这意味着传递给这个函数的寄存器类型必须是PTR_TO_STACK,它将作为‘map element key的指针’在函数内部使用。
`.ret_type = RET_PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL,.arg1_type = ARG_CONST_MAP_PTR,.arg2_type = ARG_PTR_TO_MAP_KEY,`
ret_type表示该函数返回“指向map element value的指针或null”。函数期望第一个参数是指向‘struct bpf_map’的const指针,第二个参数应该是指向stack的指针,这个指针在helper函数中用作map element key的指针。
`u64 bpf_map_lookup_elem(u64 r1, u64 r2, u64 r3, u64 r4, u64 r5){struct bpf_map *map = (struct bpf_map *) (unsigned long) r1;void *key = (void *) (unsigned long) r2;void *value;
here kernel can access 'key' and 'map' pointers safely, knowing that[key, key + map->key_size) bytes are valid and were initialized onthe stack of eBPF program.}`
`BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_2, BPF_REG_10), // after this insn R2 type is FRAME_PTRBPF_ALU64_IMM(BPF_ADD, BPF_REG_2, -4), // after this insn R2 type is PTR_TO_STACKBPF_LD_MAP_FD(BPF_REG_1, map_fd), // after this insn R1 type is CONST_PTR_TO_MAPBPF_RAW_INSN(BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL, 0, 0, 0, BPF_FUNC_map_lookup_elem),`
- .arg1_type == ARG_CONST_MAP_PTR and R1->type == CONST_PTR_TO_MAP, 这个是ok的。现在verifier知道map key的尺寸了:R1->map_ptr->key_size。
- 然后.arg2_type == ARG_PTR_TO_MAP_KEY and R2->type == PTR_TO_STACK也是ok的。现在verifier检测 [R2, R2 + map's key_size]是否在堆栈限制内,并且在调用之前被初始化。
- 如果可以,那么verifier允许这个BPF_CALL指令,并查看.ret_type RET_PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL,因此它设置R0->类型= PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL,这意味着bpf_map_lookup_elem函数返回map value指针或NULL。当类型PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL通过'if (reg != 0) goto +off' 指令判断时,在真分支中持有指针的寄存器将状态更改为PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE,在假分支中相同的寄存器将状态更改为CONST_IMM。看check_cond_jmp_op的实现。函数调用以后R0设置为返回函数类型后,将寄存器R1-R5设置为NOT_INIT,以指示它们不再可读。
BPF verifier总体代码流程如下:
if ((*prog)->len <= 0 || (*prog)->len > BPF_MAXINSNS)return -E2BIG;
/* 'struct bpf_verifier_env' can be global, but since it's not small,* allocate/free it every time bpf_check is called*//* (3.1) 分配verifier静态扫描需要的数据结构 */env = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bpf_verifier_env), GFP_KERNEL);if (!env)return -ENOMEM;
env->insn_aux_data = vzalloc(sizeof(struct bpf_insn_aux_data) *(*prog)->len);ret = -ENOMEM;if (!env->insn_aux_data)goto err_free_env;env->prog = *prog;
/* grab the mutex to protect few globals used by verifier */mutex_lock(&bpf_verifier_lock);
/* (3.2) 如果用户指定了attr->log_buf,说明用户需要具体的代码扫描log,这个在出错时非常有用 先在内核中分配log空间,在返回时拷贝给用户*/if (attr->log_level || attr->log_buf || attr->log_size) {/* user requested verbose verifier output* and supplied buffer to store the verification trace*/log_level = attr->log_level;log_ubuf = (char __user *) (unsigned long) attr->log_buf;log_size = attr->log_size;log_len = 0;
ret = -EINVAL;/* log_* values have to be sane */if (log_size < 128 || log_size > UINT_MAX >> 8 ||log_level == 0 || log_ubuf == NULL)goto err_unlock;
ret = -ENOMEM;log_buf = vmalloc(log_size);if (!log_buf)goto err_unlock;} else {log_level = 0;}
/* (3.3) 把BPF程序中操作map的指令,从map_fd替换成实际的map指针 由此可见用户态的loader程序,肯定是先根据__section("maps")中定义的map调用bpf创建map,再加载其他的程序section;*/ret = replace_map_fd_with_map_ptr(env);if (ret < 0)goto skip_full_check;
env->explored_states = kcalloc(env->prog->len,sizeof(struct bpf_verifier_state_list *),GFP_USER);ret = -ENOMEM;if (!env->explored_states)goto skip_full_check;
/* (3.4) step1、检查有没有环路 */ret = check_cfg(env);if (ret < 0)goto skip_full_check;
env->allow_ptr_leaks = capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN);
/* (3.5) step2、详细扫描BPF代码的运行过程,跟踪分析寄存器和堆栈,检查是否有不符合规则的情况出现 */ret = do_check(env);
skip_full_check:while (pop_stack(env, NULL) >= 0);free_states(env);
/* (3.6) 把扫描分析出来的dead代码(就是不会运行的代码)转成nop指令 */if (ret == 0)sanitize_dead_code(env);
/* (3.7) 根据程序的type,转换对ctx指针成员的访问 */if (ret == 0)/* program is valid, convert *(u32*)(ctx + off) accesses */ret = convert_ctx_accesses(env);
/* (3.8) 修复BPF指令中对内核helper function函数的调用,把函数编号替换成实际的函数指针 */if (ret == 0)ret = fixup_bpf_calls(env);
if (log_level && log_len >= log_size - 1) {BUG_ON(log_len >= log_size);/* verifier log exceeded user supplied buffer */ret = -ENOSPC;/* fall through to return what was recorded */}
/* (3.9) 拷贝verifier log到用户空间 *//* copy verifier log back to user space including trailing zero */if (log_level && copy_to_user(log_ubuf, log_buf, log_len + 1) != 0) {ret = -EFAULT;goto free_log_buf;}
/* (3.10) 备份BPF程序对map的引用信息,到prog->aux->used_maps中 */if (ret == 0 && env->used_map_cnt) {/* if program passed verifier, update used_maps in bpf_prog_info */env->prog->aux->used_maps = kmalloc_array(env->used_map_cnt,sizeof(env->used_maps[0]),GFP_KERNEL);
if (!env->prog->aux->used_maps) {ret = -ENOMEM;goto free_log_buf;}
memcpy(env->prog->aux->used_maps, env->used_maps,sizeof(env->used_maps[0]) * env->used_map_cnt);env->prog->aux->used_map_cnt = env->used_map_cnt;
/* program is valid. Convert pseudo bpf_ld_imm64 into generic* bpf_ld_imm64 instructions*/convert_pseudo_ld_imm64(env);}
free_log_buf:if (log_level)vfree(log_buf);if (!env->prog->aux->used_maps)/* if we didn't copy map pointers into bpf_prog_info, release* them now. Otherwise free_bpf_prog_info will release them.*/release_maps(env);*prog = env->prog;err_unlock:mutex_unlock(&bpf_verifier_lock);vfree(env->insn_aux_data);err_free_env:kfree(env);return ret;}
- 1、把BPF程序中操作map的指令,从map_fd替换成实际的map指针。
符合条件:(insn[0].code == (BPF_LD | BPF_IMM | BPF_DW)) && (insn[0]->src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD) 的指令为map指针加载指针。
/* (3.3.1) 遍历所有BPF指令 */for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++, insn++) {if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_LDX &&(BPF_MODE(insn->code) != BPF_MEM || insn->imm != 0)) {verbose("BPF_LDX uses reserved fields\n");return -EINVAL;}
if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_STX &&((BPF_MODE(insn->code) != BPF_MEM &&BPF_MODE(insn->code) != BPF_XADD) || insn->imm != 0)) {verbose("BPF_STX uses reserved fields\n");return -EINVAL;}
/* (3.3.2) 符合条件:(insn[0].code == (BPF_LD | BPF_IMM | BPF_DW)) && (insn[0]->src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD) 的指令为map指针加载指针*/if (insn[0].code == (BPF_LD | BPF_IMM | BPF_DW)) {struct bpf_map *map;struct fd f;
if (i == insn_cnt - 1 || insn[1].code != 0 ||insn[1].dst_reg != 0 || insn[1].src_reg != 0 ||insn[1].off != 0) {verbose("invalid bpf_ld_imm64 insn\n");return -EINVAL;}
if (insn->src_reg == 0)/* valid generic load 64-bit imm */goto next_insn;
if (insn->src_reg != BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD) {verbose("unrecognized bpf_ld_imm64 insn\n");return -EINVAL;}
/* (3.3.3) 根据指令中的立即数insn[0]->imm指定的fd,得到实际的map指针 */f = fdget(insn->imm);map = __bpf_map_get(f);if (IS_ERR(map)) {verbose("fd %d is not pointing to valid bpf_map\n",insn->imm);return PTR_ERR(map);}的·/* (3.3.4) 检查map和当前类型BPF程序的兼容性 */err = check_map_prog_compatibility(map, env->prog);if (err) {fdput(f);return err;}
/* (3.3.5) 把64bit的map指针拆分成两个32bit的立即数,存储到insn[0].imm、insn[1].imm中 *//* store map pointer inside BPF_LD_IMM64 instruction */insn[0].imm = (u32) (unsigned long) map;insn[1].imm = ((u64) (unsigned long) map) >> 32;
/* check whether we recorded this map already */for (j = 0; j < env->used_map_cnt; j++)if (env->used_maps[j] == map) {fdput(f);goto next_insn;}
/* (3.3.6) 一个prog最多引用64个map */if (env->used_map_cnt >= MAX_USED_MAPS) {fdput(f);return -E2BIG;}
/* hold the map. If the program is rejected by verifier,* the map will be released by release_maps or it* will be used by the valid program until it's unloaded* and all maps are released in free_bpf_prog_info*/map = bpf_map_inc(map, false);if (IS_ERR(map)) {fdput(f);return PTR_ERR(map);}/* (3.3.7) 记录prog对map的引用 */env->used_maps[env->used_map_cnt++] = map;
/* now all pseudo BPF_LD_IMM64 instructions load valid* 'struct bpf_map *' into a register instead of user map_fd.* These pointers will be used later by verifier to validate map access.*/return 0;}
- 2、Step 1、通过DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph 有向无环图)的
DFS(Depth-first Search)深度优先算法来遍历BPF程序的代码路径,确保没有环路发生;
一个图形"Graph"经过DAG的DFS算法遍历后,对每一个根节点都会形成一颗树“DFS Tree”,多个根节点得到的多棵树形成一个森林"DFS Forest"。根据搜索的结构整个“Graph”的边“Edge”可以分成四类:
- Tree Edges:在DFS树上的边;
- Back Edges:从子节点连向祖先节点的边(形成环);
- Forward Edges:直接连向孙节点的边(跨子节点的连接);
- Cross Edges:叶子之间的连接,或者树之间的连接;
对BPF verifier来说,检查BPF程序的运行路径图中是否有“Back Edges”的存在,确保程序中没有环路。
insn_state = kcalloc(insn_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);if (!insn_state)return -ENOMEM;
insn_stack = kcalloc(insn_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);if (!insn_stack) {kfree(insn_state);return -ENOMEM;}
insn_state[0] = DISCOVERED; /* mark 1st insn as discovered */insn_stack[0] = 0; /* 0 is the first instruction */cur_stack = 1;
/* (3.4.1) DFS深度优先算法的循环 */peek_stack:if (cur_stack == 0)goto check_state;t = insn_stack[cur_stack - 1];
/* (3.4.2) 分支指令 */if (BPF_CLASS(insns[t].code) == BPF_JMP) {u8 opcode = BPF_OP(insns[t].code);
/* ( 碰到BPF_EXIT指令,路径终结,开始回溯确认 */if (opcode == BPF_EXIT) {goto mark_explored;
/* ( 碰到BPF_CALL指令,继续探索 并且把env->explored_states[]设置成STATE_LIST_MARK,标识call函数调用后需要重新跟踪计算寄存器和堆栈*/} else if (opcode == BPF_CALL) {ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env);if (ret == 1)goto peek_stack;else if (ret < 0)goto err_free;if (t + 1 < insn_cnt)env->explored_states[t + 1] = STATE_LIST_MARK;
/* ( 碰到BPF_JA指令,继续探索 并且把env->explored_states[]设置成STATE_LIST_MARK,标识call函数调用后需要重新跟踪计算寄存器和堆栈*/} else if (opcode == BPF_JA) {if (BPF_SRC(insns[t].code) != BPF_K) {ret = -EINVAL;goto err_free;}/* unconditional jump with single edge */ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].off + 1,FALLTHROUGH, env);if (ret == 1)goto peek_stack;else if (ret < 0)goto err_free;/* tell verifier to check for equivalent states* after every call and jump*/if (t + 1 < insn_cnt)env->explored_states[t + 1] = STATE_LIST_MARK;
/* ( 剩下的是有条件跳转指令,首先探测条件失败路径,再探测条件成功路径 并且把env->explored_states[]设置成STATE_LIST_MARK,标识call函数调用后需要重新跟踪计算寄存器和堆栈*/} else {/* conditional jump with two edges */env->explored_states[t] = STATE_LIST_MARK;
/* 条件失败路径 */ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env);if (ret == 1)goto peek_stack;else if (ret < 0)goto err_free;
/* 条件成功路径 */ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].off + 1, BRANCH, env);if (ret == 1)goto peek_stack;else if (ret < 0)goto err_free;}
/* (3.4.3) 非分支指令 */} else {/* all other non-branch instructions with single* fall-through edge*/ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env);/* ( ret的含义如下ret == 1:继续探索路径ret == 0:已经是叶子节点了,跳转到mark_explored确认并回溯ret < 0:探测到"back-edge"环路,或者其他错误*/if (ret == 1)goto peek_stack;else if (ret < 0)goto err_free;}
/* (3.4.4) 确认并回溯,状态标记为EXPLORED */mark_explored:insn_state[t] = EXPLORED;if (cur_stack-- <= 0) {verbose("pop stack internal bug\n");ret = -EFAULT;goto err_free;}goto peek_stack;
/* (3.4.5) 确认没有unreachable的指令,就是路径没法抵达 */check_state:for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) {if (insn_state[i] != EXPLORED) {verbose("unreachable insn %d\n", i);ret = -EINVAL;goto err_free;}}ret = 0; /* cfg looks good */
err_free:kfree(insn_state);kfree(insn_stack);return ret;}
- 3、step2、详细扫描BPF代码的运行过程,跟踪分析寄存器和堆栈,检查是否有不符合规则的情况出现。
init_reg_state(regs);insn_idx = 0;env->varlen_map_value_access = false;for (;;) {struct bpf_insn *insn;u8 class;int err;
if (insn_idx >= insn_cnt) {verbose("invalid insn idx %d insn_cnt %d\n",insn_idx, insn_cnt);return -EFAULT;}
insn = &insns[insn_idx];class = BPF_CLASS(insn->code);
if (++insn_processed > BPF_COMPLEXITY_LIMIT_INSNS) {verbose("BPF program is too large. Proccessed %d insn\n",insn_processed);return -E2BIG;}
err = is_state_visited(env, insn_idx);if (err < 0)return err;if (err == 1) {/* found equivalent state, can prune the search */if (log_level) {if (do_print_state)verbose("\nfrom %d to %d: safe\n",prev_insn_idx, insn_idx);elseverbose("%d: safe\n", insn_idx);}goto process_bpf_exit;}
if (need_resched)cond_resched;
if (log_level && do_print_state) {verbose("\nfrom %d to %d:", prev_insn_idx, insn_idx);print_verifier_state(&env->cur_state);do_print_state = false;}
if (log_level) {verbose("%d: ", insn_idx);print_bpf_insn(env, insn);}
err = ext_analyzer_insn_hook(env, insn_idx, prev_insn_idx);if (err)return err;
env->insn_aux_data[insn_idx].seen = true;if (class == BPF_ALU || class == BPF_ALU64) {err = check_alu_op(env, insn);if (err)return err;
} else if (class == BPF_LDX) {enum bpf_reg_type *prev_src_type, src_reg_type;
/* check for reserved fields is already done */
/* check src operand */err = check_reg_arg(regs, insn->src_reg, SRC_OP);if (err)return err;
err = check_reg_arg(regs, insn->dst_reg, DST_OP_NO_MARK);if (err)return err;
src_reg_type = regs[insn->src_reg].type;
/* check that memory (src_reg + off) is readable,* the state of dst_reg will be updated by this func*/err = check_mem_access(env, insn->src_reg, insn->off,BPF_SIZE(insn->code), BPF_READ,insn->dst_reg);if (err)return err;
reset_reg_range_values(regs, insn->dst_reg);if (BPF_SIZE(insn->code) != BPF_W &&BPF_SIZE(insn->code) != BPF_DW) {insn_idx++;continue;}
prev_src_type = &env->insn_aux_data[insn_idx].ptr_type;
if (*prev_src_type == NOT_INIT) {/* saw a valid insn* dst_reg = *(u32 *)(src_reg + off)* save type to validate intersecting paths*/*prev_src_type = src_reg_type;
} else if (src_reg_type != *prev_src_type &&(src_reg_type == PTR_TO_CTX ||*prev_src_type == PTR_TO_CTX)) {/* ABuser program is trying to use the same insn* dst_reg = *(u32*) (src_reg + off)* with different pointer types:* src_reg == ctx in one branch and* src_reg == stack|map in some other branch.* Reject it.*/verbose("same insn cannot be used with different pointers\n");return -EINVAL;}
} else if (class == BPF_STX) {enum bpf_reg_type *prev_dst_type, dst_reg_type;
if (BPF_MODE(insn->code) == BPF_XADD) {err = check_xadd(env, insn);if (err)return err;insn_idx++;continue;}
/* check src1 operand */err = check_reg_arg(regs, insn->src_reg, SRC_OP);if (err)return err;/* check src2 operand */err = check_reg_arg(regs, insn->dst_reg, SRC_OP);if (err)return err;
dst_reg_type = regs[insn->dst_reg].type;
/* check that memory (dst_reg + off) is writeable */err = check_mem_access(env, insn->dst_reg, insn->off,BPF_SIZE(insn->code), BPF_WRITE,insn->src_reg);if (err)return err;
prev_dst_type = &env->insn_aux_data[insn_idx].ptr_type;
if (*prev_dst_type == NOT_INIT) {*prev_dst_type = dst_reg_type;} else if (dst_reg_type != *prev_dst_type &&(dst_reg_type == PTR_TO_CTX ||*prev_dst_type == PTR_TO_CTX)) {verbose("same insn cannot be used with different pointers\n");return -EINVAL;}
} else if (class == BPF_ST) {if (BPF_MODE(insn->code) != BPF_MEM ||insn->src_reg != BPF_REG_0) {verbose("BPF_ST uses reserved fields\n");return -EINVAL;}/* check src operand */err = check_reg_arg(regs, insn->dst_reg, SRC_OP);if (err)return err;
if (is_ctx_reg(env, insn->dst_reg)) {verbose("BPF_ST stores into R%d context is not allowed\n",insn->dst_reg);return -EACCES;}
/* check that memory (dst_reg + off) is writeable */err = check_mem_access(env, insn->dst_reg, insn->off,BPF_SIZE(insn->code), BPF_WRITE,-1);if (err)return err;
} else if (class == BPF_JMP) {u8 opcode = BPF_OP(insn->code);
if (opcode == BPF_CALL) {if (BPF_SRC(insn->code) != BPF_K ||insn->off != 0 ||insn->src_reg != BPF_REG_0 ||insn->dst_reg != BPF_REG_0) {verbose("BPF_CALL uses reserved fields\n");return -EINVAL;}
err = check_call(env, insn->imm, insn_idx);if (err)return err;
} else if (opcode == BPF_JA) {if (BPF_SRC(insn->code) != BPF_K ||insn->imm != 0 ||insn->src_reg != BPF_REG_0 ||insn->dst_reg != BPF_REG_0) {verbose("BPF_JA uses reserved fields\n");return -EINVAL;}
insn_idx += insn->off + 1;continue;
} else if (opcode == BPF_EXIT) {if (BPF_SRC(insn->code) != BPF_K ||insn->imm != 0 ||insn->src_reg != BPF_REG_0 ||insn->dst_reg != BPF_REG_0) {verbose("BPF_EXIT uses reserved fields\n");return -EINVAL;}
/* eBPF calling convetion is such that R0 is used* to return the value from eBPF program.* Make sure that it's readable at this time* of bpf_exit, which means that program wrote* something into it earlier*/err = check_reg_arg(regs, BPF_REG_0, SRC_OP);if (err)return err;
if (is_pointer_value(env, BPF_REG_0)) {verbose("R0 leaks addr as return value\n");return -EACCES;}
process_bpf_exit:insn_idx = pop_stack(env, &prev_insn_idx);if (insn_idx < 0) {break;} else {do_print_state = true;continue;}} else {err = check_cond_jmp_op(env, insn, &insn_idx);if (err)return err;}} else if (class == BPF_LD) {u8 mode = BPF_MODE(insn->code);
if (mode == BPF_ABS || mode == BPF_IND) {err = check_ld_abs(env, insn);if (err)return err;
} else if (mode == BPF_IMM) {err = check_ld_imm(env, insn);if (err)return err;
insn_idx++;env->insn_aux_data[insn_idx].seen = true;} else {verbose("invalid BPF_LD mode\n");return -EINVAL;}reset_reg_range_values(regs, insn->dst_reg);} else {verbose("unknown insn class %d\n", class);return -EINVAL;}
verbose("processed %d insns\n", insn_processed);return 0;}
- 4、修复BPF指令中对内核helper function函数的调用,把函数编号替换成实际的函数指针。
符合条件:(insn->code == (BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL)) 的指令,即是调用helper function的指令。
通用helper function的处理:根据insn->imm指定的编号找打对应的函数指针,然后再把函数指针和__bpf_call_base之间的offset,赋值到insn->imm中。
/* (3.8.1) 遍历指令 */for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++, insn++) {
/* (3.8.2) 修复ALU指令的一个bug */if (insn->code == (BPF_ALU | BPF_MOD | BPF_X) ||insn->code == (BPF_ALU | BPF_DIV | BPF_X)) {/* due to JIT bugs clear upper 32-bits of src register* before div/mod operation*/insn_buf[0] = BPF_MOV32_REG(insn->src_reg, insn->src_reg);insn_buf[1] = *insn;cnt = 2;new_prog = bpf_patch_insn_data(env, i + delta, insn_buf, cnt);if (!new_prog)return -ENOMEM;
delta += cnt - 1;env->prog = prog = new_prog;insn = new_prog->insnsi + i + delta;continue;}
/* (3.8.3) 符合条件:(insn->code == (BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL)) 的指令,即是调用helper function的指令*/if (insn->code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL))continue;
/* ( 几种特殊helper function的处理 */if (insn->imm == BPF_FUNC_get_route_realm)prog->dst_needed = 1;if (insn->imm == BPF_FUNC_get_prandom_u32)bpf_user_rnd_init_once;if (insn->imm == BPF_FUNC_tail_call) {/* mark bpf_tail_call as different opcode to avoid* conditional branch in the interpeter for every normal* call and to prevent accidental JITing by JIT compiler* that doesn't support bpf_tail_call yet*/insn->imm = 0;insn->code |= BPF_X;
/* instead of changing every JIT dealing with tail_call* emit two extra insns:* if (index >= max_entries) goto out;* index &= array->index_mask;* to avoid out-of-bounds cpu speculation*/map_ptr = env->insn_aux_data[i + delta].map_ptr;if (!map_ptr->unpriv_array)continue;insn_buf[0] = BPF_JMP_IMM(BPF_JGE, BPF_REG_3,map_ptr->max_entries, 2);insn_buf[1] = BPF_ALU32_IMM(BPF_AND, BPF_REG_3,container_of(map_ptr,struct bpf_array,map)->index_mask);insn_buf[2] = *insn;cnt = 3;new_prog = bpf_patch_insn_data(env, i + delta, insn_buf, cnt);if (!new_prog)return -ENOMEM;
delta += cnt - 1;env->prog = prog = new_prog;insn = new_prog->insnsi + i + delta;continue;}
/* ( 通用helper function的处理:根据insn->imm指定的编号找打对应的函数指针 */fn = prog->aux->ops->get_func_proto(insn->imm);/* all functions that have prototype and verifier allowed* programs to call them, must be real in-kernel functions*/if (!fn->func) {verbose("kernel subsystem misconfigured func %d\n",insn->imm);return -EFAULT;}
/* ( 然后再把函数指针和__bpf_call_base之间的offset,赋值到insn->imm中 */insn->imm = fn->func - __bpf_call_base;}
return 0;}
1.1.3、bpf JIT/kernel interpreter
有些架构(64 bit x86_64, arm64, ppc64, s390x, mips64, sparc64 and 32 bit arm)已经支持BPF的JIT,它可以高效的几乎一比一的把BPF代码转换成本机代码(因为eBPF的指令集已经做了优化,非常类似最新的arm/x86架构,ABI也类似)。如果当前架构不支持JTI只能使用内核的解析器(interpreter)来模拟运行;
/* eBPF JITs can rewrite the program in case constant* blinding is active. However, in case of error during* blinding, bpf_int_jit_compile must always return a* valid program, which in this case would simply not* be JITed, but falls back to the interpreter.*//* (4.2) 尝试对BPF程序进行JIT转换 */fp = bpf_int_jit_compile(fp);#ifdef CONFIG_BPF_JIT_ALWAYS_ONif (!fp->jited) {*err = -ENOTSUPP;return fp;}#endifbpf_prog_lock_ro(fp);
/* The tail call compatibility check can only be done at* this late stage as we need to determine, if we deal* with JITed or non JITed program concatenations and not* all eBPF JITs might immediately support all features.*//* (4.3) 对tail call使用的BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY类型的map,进行一些检查 */*err = bpf_check_tail_call(fp);
return fp;}
- 1、JIT
if (!bpf_jit_enable)return orig_prog;
/* (4.2.1) 把常量致盲(constant blinding) */tmp = bpf_jit_blind_constants(prog);/* If blinding was requested and we failed during blinding,* we must fall back to the interpreter.*/if (IS_ERR(tmp))return orig_prog;if (tmp != prog) {tmp_blinded = true;prog = tmp;}
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));ctx.prog = prog;
ctx.offset = kcalloc(prog->len, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);if (ctx.offset == NULL) {prog = orig_prog;goto out;}
/* 1. Initial fake pass to compute ctx->idx. *//* (4.2.2) JIT指令转换,但是不储存转换结果,只是记录 “prologue + body + epilogue”转换后需要的总长度 */
/* Fake pass to fill in ctx->offset. */if (build_body(&ctx)) {prog = orig_prog;goto out_off;}
if (build_prologue(&ctx)) {prog = orig_prog;goto out_off;}
ctx.epilogue_offset = ctx.idx;build_epilogue(&ctx);
/* Now we know the actual image size. *//* (4.2.3) 根据计算的总长度,分配JIT转换后指令的存储空间:ctx.image */image_size = sizeof(u32) * ctx.idx;header = bpf_jit_binary_alloc(image_size, &image_ptr,sizeof(u32), jit_fill_hole);if (header == NULL) {prog = orig_prog;goto out_off;}
/* 2. Now, the actual pass. *//* (4.2.4) 重新做一次JIT转换,把转换后的指令存储到 ctx.image */
ctx.image = (u32 *)image_ptr;ctx.idx = 0;
/* ( 构造转换后image的头,负责构造BPF程序运行时的堆栈,8条指令 */build_prologue(&ctx);
/* ( 把BPF程序进行JIT本地化指令转换 */if (build_body(&ctx)) {bpf_jit_binary_free(header);prog = orig_prog;goto out_off;}
/* ( 构造转换后image的尾部,负载清理工作,7条指令 */build_epilogue(&ctx);
/* 3. Extra pass to validate JITed code. *//* (4.2.5) 确保转换后的指令中没有AARCH64_BREAK_FAULT */if (validate_code(&ctx)) {bpf_jit_binary_free(header);prog = orig_prog;goto out_off;}
/* And we're done. */if (bpf_jit_enable > 1)bpf_jit_dump(prog->len, image_size, 2, ctx.image);
/* (4.2.6) 刷新新image对应的icache */bpf_flush_icache(header, ctx.image + ctx.idx);
/* (4.2.7) 把image对应的page设置为read only */set_memory_ro((unsigned long)header, header->pages);
/* (4.2.8) 把转换后的image赋值给prog->bpf_func */prog->bpf_func = (void *)ctx.image;prog->jited = 1;
out_off:kfree(ctx.offset);out:if (tmp_blinded)bpf_jit_prog_release_other(prog, prog == orig_prog ?tmp : orig_prog);return prog;}
JIT的核心转换分为3部分:prologue + body + epilogue。
- 1.1、prologue
继续保存callee saved registers进堆栈A64_SP:r6, r7, r8, r9, fp, tcc,然后把当前A64_SP保存进BPF_FP;
/** BPF prog stack layout** high* original A64_SP => 0:+-----+ BPF prologue* |FP/LR|* current A64_FP => -16:+-----+* | ... | callee saved registers* BPF fp register => -64:+-----+ <= (BPF_FP)* | |* | ... | BPF prog stack* | |* +-----+ <= (BPF_FP - MAX_BPF_STACK)* |RSVD | JIT scratchpad* current A64_SP => +-----+ <= (BPF_FP - STACK_SIZE)* | |* | ... | Function call stack* | |* +-----+* low**/
/* Save FP and LR registers to stay align with ARM64 AAPCS */emit(A64_PUSH(A64_FP, A64_LR, A64_SP), ctx);emit(A64_MOV(1, A64_FP, A64_SP), ctx);
/* Save callee-saved registers */emit(A64_PUSH(r6, r7, A64_SP), ctx);emit(A64_PUSH(r8, r9, A64_SP), ctx);emit(A64_PUSH(fp, tcc, A64_SP), ctx);
/* Set up BPF prog stack base register */emit(A64_MOV(1, fp, A64_SP), ctx);
/* Initialize tail_call_cnt */emit(A64_MOVZ(1, tcc, 0, 0), ctx);
/* Set up function call stack */emit(A64_SUB_I(1, A64_SP, A64_SP, STACK_SIZE), ctx);
cur_offset = ctx->idx - idx0;if (cur_offset != PROLOGUE_OFFSET) {pr_err_once("PROLOGUE_OFFSET = %d, expected %d!\n",cur_offset, PROLOGUE_OFFSET);return -1;}return 0;}
- 1.2、body
for (i = 0; i < prog->len; i++) {const struct bpf_insn *insn = &prog->insnsi[i];int ret;
ret = build_insn(insn, ctx);if (ret > 0) {i++;if (ctx->image == NULL)ctx->offset[i] = ctx->idx;continue;}if (ctx->image == NULL)ctx->offset[i] = ctx->idx;if (ret)return ret;}
return 0;}
/* JITs an eBPF instruction.* Returns:* 0 - successfully JITed an 8-byte eBPF instruction.* >0 - successfully JITed a 16-byte eBPF instruction.* <0 - failed to JIT.*/static int build_insn(const struct bpf_insn *insn, struct jit_ctx *ctx){const u8 code = insn->code;const u8 dst = bpf2a64[insn->dst_reg];const u8 src = bpf2a64[insn->src_reg];const u8 tmp = bpf2a64[TMP_REG_1];const u8 tmp2 = bpf2a64[TMP_REG_2];const s16 off = insn->off;const s32 imm = insn->imm;const int i = insn - ctx->prog->insnsi;const bool is64 = BPF_CLASS(code) == BPF_ALU64;u8 jmp_cond;s32 jmp_offset;
#define check_imm(bits, imm) do { \if ((((imm) > 0) && ((imm) >> (bits))) || \(((imm) < 0) && (~(imm) >> (bits)))) { \pr_info("[%2d] imm=%d(0x%x) out of range\n", \i, imm, imm); \return -EINVAL; \} \} while (0)#define check_imm19(imm) check_imm(19, imm)#define check_imm26(imm) check_imm(26, imm)
switch (code) {/* dst = src */case BPF_ALU | BPF_MOV | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_MOV | BPF_X:emit(A64_MOV(is64, dst, src), ctx);break;/* dst = dst OP src */case BPF_ALU | BPF_ADD | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_ADD | BPF_X:emit(A64_ADD(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_SUB | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_SUB | BPF_X:emit(A64_SUB(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_AND | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_AND | BPF_X:emit(A64_AND(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_OR | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_OR | BPF_X:emit(A64_ORR(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_XOR | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_XOR | BPF_X:emit(A64_EOR(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_MUL | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_MUL | BPF_X:emit(A64_MUL(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_DIV | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_DIV | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU | BPF_MOD | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_MOD | BPF_X:{const u8 r0 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_0];
/* if (src == 0) return 0 */jmp_offset = 3; /* skip ahead to else path */check_imm19(jmp_offset);emit(A64_CBNZ(is64, src, jmp_offset), ctx);emit(A64_MOVZ(1, r0, 0, 0), ctx);jmp_offset = epilogue_offset(ctx);check_imm26(jmp_offset);emit(A64_B(jmp_offset), ctx);/* else */switch (BPF_OP(code)) {case BPF_DIV:emit(A64_UDIV(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_MOD:emit(A64_UDIV(is64, tmp, dst, src), ctx);emit(A64_MUL(is64, tmp, tmp, src), ctx);emit(A64_SUB(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;}break;}case BPF_ALU | BPF_LSH | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_LSH | BPF_X:emit(A64_LSLV(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_RSH | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_RSH | BPF_X:emit(A64_LSRV(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_ARSH | BPF_X:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_ARSH | BPF_X:emit(A64_ASRV(is64, dst, dst, src), ctx);break;/* dst = -dst */case BPF_ALU | BPF_NEG:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_NEG:emit(A64_NEG(is64, dst, dst), ctx);break;/* dst = BSWAP##imm(dst) */case BPF_ALU | BPF_END | BPF_FROM_LE:case BPF_ALU | BPF_END | BPF_FROM_BE:#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIANif (BPF_SRC(code) == BPF_FROM_BE)goto emit_bswap_uxt;#else /* !CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN */if (BPF_SRC(code) == BPF_FROM_LE)goto emit_bswap_uxt;#endifswitch (imm) {case 16:emit(A64_REV16(is64, dst, dst), ctx);/* zero-extend 16 bits into 64 bits */emit(A64_UXTH(is64, dst, dst), ctx);break;case 32:emit(A64_REV32(is64, dst, dst), ctx);/* upper 32 bits already cleared */break;case 64:emit(A64_REV64(dst, dst), ctx);break;}break;emit_bswap_uxt:switch (imm) {case 16:/* zero-extend 16 bits into 64 bits */emit(A64_UXTH(is64, dst, dst), ctx);break;case 32:/* zero-extend 32 bits into 64 bits */emit(A64_UXTW(is64, dst, dst), ctx);break;case 64:/* nop */break;}break;/* dst = imm */case BPF_ALU | BPF_MOV | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_MOV | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, dst, imm, ctx);break;/* dst = dst OP imm */case BPF_ALU | BPF_ADD | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_ADD | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_ADD(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_SUB | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_SUB | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_SUB(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_AND | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_AND | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_AND(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_OR | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_OR | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_ORR(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_XOR | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_XOR | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_EOR(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_MUL | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_MUL | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_MUL(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_DIV | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_DIV | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_UDIV(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_MOD | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_MOD | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(is64, tmp2, imm, ctx);emit(A64_UDIV(is64, tmp, dst, tmp2), ctx);emit(A64_MUL(is64, tmp, tmp, tmp2), ctx);emit(A64_SUB(is64, dst, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_LSH | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_LSH | BPF_K:emit(A64_LSL(is64, dst, dst, imm), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_RSH | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_RSH | BPF_K:emit(A64_LSR(is64, dst, dst, imm), ctx);break;case BPF_ALU | BPF_ARSH | BPF_K:case BPF_ALU64 | BPF_ARSH | BPF_K:emit(A64_ASR(is64, dst, dst, imm), ctx);break;
/* JUMP off */case BPF_JMP | BPF_JA:jmp_offset = bpf2a64_offset(i + off, i, ctx);check_imm26(jmp_offset);emit(A64_B(jmp_offset), ctx);break;/* IF (dst COND src) JUMP off */case BPF_JMP | BPF_JEQ | BPF_X:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JGT | BPF_X:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JGE | BPF_X:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JNE | BPF_X:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JSGT | BPF_X:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JSGE | BPF_X:emit(A64_CMP(1, dst, src), ctx);emit_cond_jmp:jmp_offset = bpf2a64_offset(i + off, i, ctx);check_imm19(jmp_offset);switch (BPF_OP(code)) {case BPF_JEQ:jmp_cond = A64_COND_EQ;break;case BPF_JGT:jmp_cond = A64_COND_HI;break;case BPF_JGE:jmp_cond = A64_COND_CS;break;case BPF_JSET:case BPF_JNE:jmp_cond = A64_COND_NE;break;case BPF_JSGT:jmp_cond = A64_COND_GT;break;case BPF_JSGE:jmp_cond = A64_COND_GE;break;default:return -EFAULT;}emit(A64_B_(jmp_cond, jmp_offset), ctx);break;case BPF_JMP | BPF_JSET | BPF_X:emit(A64_TST(1, dst, src), ctx);goto emit_cond_jmp;/* IF (dst COND imm) JUMP off */case BPF_JMP | BPF_JEQ | BPF_K:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JGT | BPF_K:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JGE | BPF_K:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JNE | BPF_K:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JSGT | BPF_K:case BPF_JMP | BPF_JSGE | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(1, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_CMP(1, dst, tmp), ctx);goto emit_cond_jmp;case BPF_JMP | BPF_JSET | BPF_K:emit_a64_mov_i(1, tmp, imm, ctx);emit(A64_TST(1, dst, tmp), ctx);goto emit_cond_jmp;/* function call */case BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL:{const u8 r0 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_0];const u64 func = (u64)__bpf_call_base + imm;
emit_a64_mov_i64(tmp, func, ctx);emit(A64_BLR(tmp), ctx);emit(A64_MOV(1, r0, A64_R(0)), ctx);break;}/* tail call */case BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL | BPF_X:if (emit_bpf_tail_call(ctx))return -EFAULT;break;/* function return */case BPF_JMP | BPF_EXIT:/* Optimization: when last instruction is EXIT,simply fallthrough to epilogue. */if (i == ctx->prog->len - 1)break;jmp_offset = epilogue_offset(ctx);check_imm26(jmp_offset);emit(A64_B(jmp_offset), ctx);break;
/* dst = imm64 */case BPF_LD | BPF_IMM | BPF_DW:{const struct bpf_insn insn1 = insn[1];u64 imm64;
if (insn1.code != 0 || insn1.src_reg != 0 ||insn1.dst_reg != 0 || insn1.off != 0) {/* Note: verifier in BPF core must catch invalid* instructions.*/pr_err_once("Invalid BPF_LD_IMM64 instruction\n");return -EINVAL;}
imm64 = (u64)insn1.imm << 32 | (u32)imm;emit_a64_mov_i64(dst, imm64, ctx);
return 1;}
/* LDX: dst = *(size *)(src + off) */case BPF_LDX | BPF_MEM | BPF_W:case BPF_LDX | BPF_MEM | BPF_H:case BPF_LDX | BPF_MEM | BPF_B:case BPF_LDX | BPF_MEM | BPF_DW:emit_a64_mov_i(1, tmp, off, ctx);switch (BPF_SIZE(code)) {case BPF_W:emit(A64_LDR32(dst, src, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_H:emit(A64_LDRH(dst, src, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_B:emit(A64_LDRB(dst, src, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_DW:emit(A64_LDR64(dst, src, tmp), ctx);break;}break;
/* ST: *(size *)(dst + off) = imm */case BPF_ST | BPF_MEM | BPF_W:case BPF_ST | BPF_MEM | BPF_H:case BPF_ST | BPF_MEM | BPF_B:case BPF_ST | BPF_MEM | BPF_DW:/* Load imm to a register then store it */emit_a64_mov_i(1, tmp2, off, ctx);emit_a64_mov_i(1, tmp, imm, ctx);switch (BPF_SIZE(code)) {case BPF_W:emit(A64_STR32(tmp, dst, tmp2), ctx);break;case BPF_H:emit(A64_STRH(tmp, dst, tmp2), ctx);break;case BPF_B:emit(A64_STRB(tmp, dst, tmp2), ctx);break;case BPF_DW:emit(A64_STR64(tmp, dst, tmp2), ctx);break;}break;
/* STX: *(size *)(dst + off) = src */case BPF_STX | BPF_MEM | BPF_W:case BPF_STX | BPF_MEM | BPF_H:case BPF_STX | BPF_MEM | BPF_B:case BPF_STX | BPF_MEM | BPF_DW:emit_a64_mov_i(1, tmp, off, ctx);switch (BPF_SIZE(code)) {case BPF_W:emit(A64_STR32(src, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_H:emit(A64_STRH(src, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_B:emit(A64_STRB(src, dst, tmp), ctx);break;case BPF_DW:emit(A64_STR64(src, dst, tmp), ctx);break;}break;/* STX XADD: lock *(u32 *)(dst + off) += src */case BPF_STX | BPF_XADD | BPF_W:/* STX XADD: lock *(u64 *)(dst + off) += src */case BPF_STX | BPF_XADD | BPF_DW:goto notyet;
/* R0 = ntohx(*(size *)(((struct sk_buff *)R6)->data + imm)) */case BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_W:case BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_H:case BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_B:/* R0 = ntohx(*(size *)(((struct sk_buff *)R6)->data + src + imm)) */case BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_W:case BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_H:case BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_B:{const u8 r0 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_0]; /* r0 = return value */const u8 r6 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_6]; /* r6 = pointer to sk_buff */const u8 fp = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_FP];const u8 r1 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_1]; /* r1: struct sk_buff *skb */const u8 r2 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_2]; /* r2: int k */const u8 r3 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_3]; /* r3: unsigned int size */const u8 r4 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_4]; /* r4: void *buffer */const u8 r5 = bpf2a64[BPF_REG_5]; /* r5: void *(*func)(...) */int size;
emit(A64_MOV(1, r1, r6), ctx);emit_a64_mov_i(0, r2, imm, ctx);if (BPF_MODE(code) == BPF_IND)emit(A64_ADD(0, r2, r2, src), ctx);switch (BPF_SIZE(code)) {case BPF_W:size = 4;break;case BPF_H:size = 2;break;case BPF_B:size = 1;break;default:return -EINVAL;}emit_a64_mov_i64(r3, size, ctx);emit(A64_SUB_I(1, r4, fp, STACK_SIZE), ctx);emit_a64_mov_i64(r5, (unsigned long)bpf_load_pointer, ctx);emit(A64_BLR(r5), ctx);emit(A64_MOV(1, r0, A64_R(0)), ctx);
jmp_offset = epilogue_offset(ctx);check_imm19(jmp_offset);emit(A64_CBZ(1, r0, jmp_offset), ctx);emit(A64_MOV(1, r5, r0), ctx);switch (BPF_SIZE(code)) {case BPF_W:emit(A64_LDR32(r0, r5, A64_ZR), ctx);#ifndef CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIANemit(A64_REV32(0, r0, r0), ctx);#endifbreak;case BPF_H:emit(A64_LDRH(r0, r5, A64_ZR), ctx);#ifndef CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIANemit(A64_REV16(0, r0, r0), ctx);#endifbreak;case BPF_B:emit(A64_LDRB(r0, r5, A64_ZR), ctx);break;}break;}notyet:pr_info_once("*** NOT YET: opcode %02x ***\n", code);return -EFAULT;
default:pr_err_once("unknown opcode %02x\n", code);return -EINVAL;}
return 0;}
static inline void emit(const u32 insn, struct jit_ctx *ctx){if (ctx->image != NULL)ctx->image[ctx->idx] = cpu_to_le32(insn);
- 1.3、epilogue
/* We're done with BPF stack */emit(A64_ADD_I(1, A64_SP, A64_SP, STACK_SIZE), ctx);
/* Restore fs (x25) and x26 */emit(A64_POP(fp, A64_R(26), A64_SP), ctx);
/* Restore callee-saved register */emit(A64_POP(r8, r9, A64_SP), ctx);emit(A64_POP(r6, r7, A64_SP), ctx);
/* Restore FP/LR registers */emit(A64_POP(A64_FP, A64_LR, A64_SP), ctx);
/* Set return value */emit(A64_MOV(1, A64_R(0), r0), ctx);
emit(A64_RET(A64_LR), ctx);}
- 2、interpreter
使用“u64 stack[MAX_BPF_STACK / sizeof(u64)]”局部变量来模拟BPF堆栈空间;
使用“u64 regs[MAX_BPF_REG]”局部变量来模拟BPF寄存器;
#define CONT ({ insn++; goto select_insn; })#define CONT_JMP ({ insn++; goto select_insn; })
FP = (u64) (unsigned long) &stack[ARRAY_SIZE(stack)];ARG1 = (u64) (unsigned long) ctx;
select_insn:goto *jumptable[insn->code];
/* ALU */#define ALU(OPCODE, OP) \ALU64_##OPCODE##_X: \DST = DST OP SRC; \CONT; \ALU_##OPCODE##_X: \DST = (u32) DST OP (u32) SRC; \CONT; \ALU64_##OPCODE##_K: \DST = DST OP IMM; \CONT; \ALU_##OPCODE##_K: \DST = (u32) DST OP (u32) IMM; \CONT;
ALU(ADD, +)ALU(SUB, -)ALU(AND, &)ALU(OR, |)ALU(LSH, <<)ALU(RSH, >>)ALU(XOR, ^)ALU(MUL, *)#undef ALUALU_NEG:DST = (u32) -DST;CONT;ALU64_NEG:DST = -DST;CONT;ALU_MOV_X:DST = (u32) SRC;CONT;ALU_MOV_K:DST = (u32) IMM;CONT;ALU64_MOV_X:DST = SRC;CONT;ALU64_MOV_K:DST = IMM;CONT;LD_IMM_DW:DST = (u64) (u32) insn[0].imm | ((u64) (u32) insn[1].imm) << 32;insn++;CONT;ALU64_ARSH_X:(*(s64 *) &DST) >>= SRC;CONT;ALU64_ARSH_K:(*(s64 *) &DST) >>= IMM;CONT;ALU64_MOD_X:if (unlikely(SRC == 0))return 0;div64_u64_rem(DST, SRC, &tmp);DST = tmp;CONT;ALU_MOD_X:if (unlikely((u32)SRC == 0))return 0;tmp = (u32) DST;DST = do_div(tmp, (u32) SRC);CONT;ALU64_MOD_K:div64_u64_rem(DST, IMM, &tmp);DST = tmp;CONT;ALU_MOD_K:tmp = (u32) DST;DST = do_div(tmp, (u32) IMM);CONT;ALU64_DIV_X:if (unlikely(SRC == 0))return 0;DST = div64_u64(DST, SRC);CONT;ALU_DIV_X:if (unlikely((u32)SRC == 0))return 0;tmp = (u32) DST;do_div(tmp, (u32) SRC);DST = (u32) tmp;CONT;ALU64_DIV_K:DST = div64_u64(DST, IMM);CONT;ALU_DIV_K:tmp = (u32) DST;do_div(tmp, (u32) IMM);DST = (u32) tmp;CONT;ALU_END_TO_BE:switch (IMM) {case 16:DST = (__force u16) cpu_to_be16(DST);break;case 32:DST = (__force u32) cpu_to_be32(DST);break;case 64:DST = (__force u64) cpu_to_be64(DST);break;}CONT;ALU_END_TO_LE:switch (IMM) {case 16:DST = (__force u16) cpu_to_le16(DST);break;case 32:DST = (__force u32) cpu_to_le32(DST);break;case 64:DST = (__force u64) cpu_to_le64(DST);break;}CONT;
/* CALL */JMP_CALL:/* Function call scratches BPF_R1-BPF_R5 registers,* preserves BPF_R6-BPF_R9, and stores return value* into BPF_R0.*/BPF_R0 = (__bpf_call_base + insn->imm)(BPF_R1, BPF_R2, BPF_R3,BPF_R4, BPF_R5);CONT;
JMP_TAIL_CALL: {struct bpf_map *map = (struct bpf_map *) (unsigned long) BPF_R2;struct bpf_array *array = container_of(map, struct bpf_array, map);struct bpf_prog *prog;u32 index = BPF_R3;
if (unlikely(index >= array->map.max_entries))goto out;if (unlikely(tail_call_cnt > MAX_TAIL_CALL_CNT))goto out;
prog = READ_ONCE(array->ptrs[index]);if (!prog)goto out;
/* ARG1 at this point is guaranteed to point to CTX from* the verifier side due to the fact that the tail call is* handeled like a helper, that is, bpf_tail_call_proto,* where arg1_type is ARG_PTR_TO_CTX.*/insn = prog->insnsi;goto select_insn;out:CONT;}/* JMP */JMP_JA:insn += insn->off;CONT;JMP_JEQ_X:if (DST == SRC) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JEQ_K:if (DST == IMM) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JNE_X:if (DST != SRC) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JNE_K:if (DST != IMM) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JGT_X:if (DST > SRC) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JGT_K:if (DST > IMM) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JGE_X:if (DST >= SRC) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JGE_K:if (DST >= IMM) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JSGT_X:if (((s64) DST) > ((s64) SRC)) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JSGT_K:if (((s64) DST) > ((s64) IMM)) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JSGE_X:if (((s64) DST) >= ((s64) SRC)) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JSGE_K:if (((s64) DST) >= ((s64) IMM)) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JSET_X:if (DST & SRC) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_JSET_K:if (DST & IMM) {insn += insn->off;CONT_JMP;}CONT;JMP_EXIT:return BPF_R0;
/* STX and ST and LDX*/#define LDST(SIZEOP, SIZE) \STX_MEM_##SIZEOP: \*(SIZE *)(unsigned long) (DST + insn->off) = SRC; \CONT; \ST_MEM_##SIZEOP: \*(SIZE *)(unsigned long) (DST + insn->off) = IMM; \CONT; \LDX_MEM_##SIZEOP: \DST = *(SIZE *)(unsigned long) (SRC + insn->off); \CONT;
LDST(B, u8)LDST(H, u16)LDST(W, u32)LDST(DW, u64)#undef LDSTSTX_XADD_W: /* lock xadd *(u32 *)(dst_reg + off16) += src_reg */atomic_add((u32) SRC, (atomic_t *)(unsigned long)(DST + insn->off));CONT;STX_XADD_DW: /* lock xadd *(u64 *)(dst_reg + off16) += src_reg */atomic64_add((u64) SRC, (atomic64_t *)(unsigned long)(DST + insn->off));CONT;LD_ABS_W: /* BPF_R0 = ntohl(*(u32 *) (skb->data + imm32)) */off = IMM;load_word:/* BPF_LD + BPD_ABS and BPF_LD + BPF_IND insns are* only appearing in the programs where ctx ==* skb. All programs keep 'ctx' in regs[BPF_REG_CTX]* == BPF_R6, bpf_convert_filter saves it in BPF_R6,* internal BPF verifier will check that BPF_R6 ==* ctx.** BPF_ABS and BPF_IND are wrappers of function calls,* so they scratch BPF_R1-BPF_R5 registers, preserve* BPF_R6-BPF_R9, and store return value into BPF_R0.** Implicit input:* ctx == skb == BPF_R6 == CTX** Explicit input:* SRC == any register* IMM == 32-bit immediate** Output:* BPF_R0 - 8/16/32-bit skb data converted to cpu endianness*/
ptr = bpf_load_pointer((struct sk_buff *) (unsigned long) CTX, off, 4, &tmp);if (likely(ptr != NULL)) {BPF_R0 = get_unaligned_be32(ptr);CONT;}
return 0;LD_ABS_H: /* BPF_R0 = ntohs(*(u16 *) (skb->data + imm32)) */off = IMM;load_half:ptr = bpf_load_pointer((struct sk_buff *) (unsigned long) CTX, off, 2, &tmp);if (likely(ptr != NULL)) {BPF_R0 = get_unaligned_be16(ptr);CONT;}
return 0;LD_ABS_B: /* BPF_R0 = *(u8 *) (skb->data + imm32) */off = IMM;load_byte:ptr = bpf_load_pointer((struct sk_buff *) (unsigned long) CTX, off, 1, &tmp);if (likely(ptr != NULL)) {BPF_R0 = *(u8 *)ptr;CONT;}
return 0;LD_IND_W: /* BPF_R0 = ntohl(*(u32 *) (skb->data + src_reg + imm32)) */off = IMM + SRC;goto load_word;LD_IND_H: /* BPF_R0 = ntohs(*(u16 *) (skb->data + src_reg + imm32)) */off = IMM + SRC;goto load_half;LD_IND_B: /* BPF_R0 = *(u8 *) (skb->data + src_reg + imm32) */off = IMM + SRC;goto load_byte;
default_label:/* If we ever reach this, we have a bug somewhere. */WARN_RATELIMIT(1, "unknown opcode %02x\n", insn->code);return 0;}
#define BPF_PROG_RUN(filter, ctx) (*filter->bpf_func)(ctx, filter->insnsi)
int anon_inode_getfd(const char *name, const struct file_operations *fops,void *priv, int flags){int error, fd;struct file *file;
error = get_unused_fd_flags(flags);if (error < 0)return error;fd = error;
file = anon_inode_getfile(name, fops, priv, flags);if (IS_ERR(file)) {error = PTR_ERR(file);goto err_put_unused_fd;}fd_install(fd, file);
return fd;
err_put_unused_fd:put_unused_fd(fd);return error;}
struct file *anon_inode_getfile(const char *name,const struct file_operations *fops,void *priv, int flags){struct qstr this;struct path path;struct file *file;
if (IS_ERR(anon_inode_inode))return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
if (fops->owner && !try_module_get(fops->owner))return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
/** Link the inode to a directory entry by creating a unique name* using the inode sequence number.*/file = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);this.name = name;this.len = strlen(name);this.hash = 0;path.dentry = d_alloc_pseudo(anon_inode_mnt->mnt_sb, &this);if (!path.dentry)goto err_module;
path.mnt = mntget(anon_inode_mnt);/** We know the anon_inode inode count is always greater than zero,* so ihold is safe.*/ihold(anon_inode_inode);
d_instantiate(path.dentry, anon_inode_inode);
file = alloc_file(&path, OPEN_FMODE(flags), fops);if (IS_ERR(file))goto err_dput;file->f_mapping = anon_inode_inode->i_mapping;
file->f_flags = flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_NONBLOCK);file->private_data = priv;
return file;
err_dput:path_put(&path);err_module:module_put(fops->owner);return file;}
1.2、bpf map操作
BPF map的应用场景有几种:
- BPF程序和用户态态的交互:BPF程序运行完,得到的结果存储到map中,供用户态访问;
- BPF程序内部交互:如果BPF程序内部需要用全局变量来交互,但是由于安全原因BPF程序不允许访问全局变量,可以使用map来充当全局变量;
- BPF Tail call:Tail call是一个BPF程序跳转到另一BPF程序,BPF程序首先通过BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY类型的map来知道另一个BPF程序的指针,然后调用tail_call的helper function来执行Tail call。
- BPF程序和内核态的交互:和BPF程序以外的内核程序交互,也可以使用map作为中介;
如果用户态的BPF c程序有定义map,map最后会被编译进__section(“maps”)。
err = CHECK_ATTR(BPF_MAP_CREATE);if (err)return -EINVAL;
/* find map type and init map: hashtable vs rbtree vs bloom vs ... *//* (1) 根据map的类型分配空间 */map = find_and_alloc_map(attr);if (IS_ERR(map))return PTR_ERR(map);
atomic_set(&map->refcnt, 1);atomic_set(&map->usercnt, 1);
/* (2) 在进程vm中给map锁定空间 */err = bpf_map_charge_memlock(map);if (err)goto free_map_nouncharge;
/* (3) 给map分配对应的文件句柄 */err = bpf_map_new_fd(map);if (err < 0)/* failed to allocate fd */goto free_map;
return err;
free_map:bpf_map_uncharge_memlock(map);free_map_nouncharge:map->ops->map_free(map);return err;}
static struct bpf_map *find_and_alloc_map(union bpf_attr *attr){struct bpf_map_type_list *tl;struct bpf_map *map;
list_for_each_entry(tl, &bpf_map_types, list_node) {if (tl->type == attr->map_type) {
/* (1.1) 根据type找到对应的tl,分配map空间 */map = tl->ops->map_alloc(attr);if (IS_ERR(map))return map;map->ops = tl->ops;map->map_type = attr->map_type;return map;}}return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);}
int bpf_map_new_fd(struct bpf_map *map){/* (3.1) 给map分配对应的文件句柄fd,把map指针赋值给file->private_data */return anon_inode_getfd("bpf-map", &bpf_map_fops, map,O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);}
static struct bpf_map_type_list array_type __read_mostly = {.ops = &array_ops,.type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY,};
static struct bpf_map *array_map_alloc(union bpf_attr *attr){bool percpu = attr->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY;u32 elem_size, index_mask, max_entries;bool unpriv = !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN);struct bpf_array *array;u64 array_size, mask64;
/* check sanity of attributes */if (attr->max_entries == 0 || attr->key_size != 4 ||attr->value_size == 0 || attr->map_flags)return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
if (attr->value_size >= 1 << (KMALLOC_SHIFT_MAX - 1))/* if value_size is bigger, the user space won't be able to* access the elements.*/return ERR_PTR(-E2BIG);
/* (1.1.1) 计算value的size,key的size不用计算也不用存储,因为这里的key直接就是index */elem_size = round_up(attr->value_size, 8);
max_entries = attr->max_entries;
/* On 32 bit archs roundup_pow_of_two with max_entries that has* upper most bit set in u32 space is undefined behavior due to* resulting 1U << 32, so do it manually here in u64 space.*/mask64 = fls_long(max_entries - 1);mask64 = 1ULL << mask64;mask64 -= 1;
index_mask = mask64;if (unpriv) {/* round up array size to nearest power of 2,* since cpu will speculate within index_mask limits*/max_entries = index_mask + 1;/* Check for overflows. */if (max_entries < attr->max_entries)return ERR_PTR(-E2BIG);}
/* (1.1.2) 计算bpf_array + value数组的总大小,bpf_array包含了map的通用结构bpf_map */array_size = sizeof(*array);if (percpu)array_size += (u64) max_entries * sizeof(void *);elsearray_size += (u64) max_entries * elem_size;
/* make sure there is no u32 overflow later in round_up */if (array_size >= U32_MAX - PAGE_SIZE)return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
/* allocate all map elements and zero-initialize them *//* (1.1.3) 根据总大小,分配bpf_array空间 */array = bpf_map_area_alloc(array_size);if (!array)return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);array->index_mask = index_mask;array->map.unpriv_array = unpriv;
/* copy mandatory map attributes *//* (1.1.4) 拷贝attr到array->map中 */array->map.map_type = attr->map_type;array->map.key_size = attr->key_size;array->map.value_size = attr->value_size;array->map.max_entries = attr->max_entries;array->elem_size = elem_size;
if (!percpu)goto out;
array_size += (u64) attr->max_entries * elem_size * num_possible_cpus;
if (array_size >= U32_MAX - PAGE_SIZE ||elem_size > PCPU_MIN_UNIT_SIZE || bpf_array_alloc_percpu(array)) {bpf_map_area_free(array);return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);}out:array->map.pages = round_up(array_size, PAGE_SIZE) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
return &array->map;}
static struct bpf_map_type_list htab_type __read_mostly = {.ops = &htab_ops,.type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH,};
static struct bpf_map *htab_map_alloc(union bpf_attr *attr){bool percpu = attr->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH;struct bpf_htab *htab;int err, i;u64 cost;
if (attr->map_flags & ~BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC)/* reserved bits should not be used */return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
/* (1.1.1) 因为hash是用链表存储的,所以bpf_htab结构是固定的,优先分配 */htab = kzalloc(sizeof(*htab), GFP_USER);if (!htab)return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
/* mandatory map attributes */htab->map.map_type = attr->map_type;htab->map.key_size = attr->key_size;htab->map.value_size = attr->value_size;htab->map.max_entries = attr->max_entries;htab->map.map_flags = attr->map_flags;
/* check sanity of attributes.* value_size == 0 may be allowed in the future to use map as a set*/err = -EINVAL;if (htab->map.max_entries == 0 || htab->map.key_size == 0 ||htab->map.value_size == 0)goto free_htab;
/* hash table size must be power of 2 *//* (1.1.2) 链表头buckets的个数,等于和最大条目值最接近的2的n次方 */htab->n_buckets = roundup_pow_of_two(htab->map.max_entries);
err = -E2BIG;if (htab->map.key_size > MAX_BPF_STACK)/* eBPF programs initialize keys on stack, so they cannot be* larger than max stack size*/goto free_htab;
if (htab->map.value_size >= (1 << (KMALLOC_SHIFT_MAX - 1)) -MAX_BPF_STACK - sizeof(struct htab_elem))/* if value_size is bigger, the user space won't be able to* access the elements via bpf syscall. This check also makes* sure that the elem_size doesn't overflow and it's* kmalloc-able later in htab_map_update_elem*/goto free_htab;
if (percpu && round_up(htab->map.value_size, 8) > PCPU_MIN_UNIT_SIZE)/* make sure the size for pcpu_alloc is reasonable */goto free_htab;
/* (1.1.3) hash的一个element size = htab_elem + key_size + value_size */htab->elem_size = sizeof(struct htab_elem) +round_up(htab->map.key_size, 8);if (percpu)htab->elem_size += sizeof(void *);elsehtab->elem_size += round_up(htab->map.value_size, 8);
/* prevent zero size kmalloc and check for u32 overflow */if (htab->n_buckets == 0 ||htab->n_buckets > U32_MAX / sizeof(struct bucket))goto free_htab;
/* (1.1.4) 总占用内存的大小cost = bucket_size*max_entries + elem_size*max_entries + extra_element_size,其中extra_element_size = elem_size * num_possible_cpus;*/cost = (u64) htab->n_buckets * sizeof(struct bucket) +(u64) htab->elem_size * htab->map.max_entries;
if (percpu)cost += (u64) round_up(htab->map.value_size, 8) *num_possible_cpus * htab->map.max_entries;elsecost += (u64) htab->elem_size * num_possible_cpus;
if (cost >= U32_MAX - PAGE_SIZE)/* make sure page count doesn't overflow */goto free_htab;
htab->map.pages = round_up(cost, PAGE_SIZE) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
/* if map size is larger than memlock limit, reject it early */err = bpf_map_precharge_memlock(htab->map.pages);if (err)goto free_htab;
err = -ENOMEM;/* (1.1.5) 分配bucket空间 */htab->buckets = bpf_map_area_alloc(htab->n_buckets *sizeof(struct bucket));if (!htab->buckets)goto free_htab;
for (i = 0; i < htab->n_buckets; i++) {INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&htab->buckets[i].head);raw_spin_lock_init(&htab->buckets[i].lock);}
/* (1.1.6) 分配extra elems空间 */if (!percpu) {err = alloc_extra_elems(htab);if (err)goto free_buckets;}
/* (1.1.7) 分配elems空间,并且将其平均挂载到htab->freelist的percpu链表上 */if (!(attr->map_flags & BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC)) {err = prealloc_elems_and_freelist(htab);if (err)goto free_extra_elems;}
return &htab->map;
free_extra_elems:free_percpu(htab->extra_elems);free_buckets:bpf_map_area_free(htab->buckets);free_htab:kfree(htab);return ERR_PTR(err);}
f = fdget(ufd);map = __bpf_map_get(f);if (IS_ERR(map))return PTR_ERR(map);
err = -ENOMEM;key = kmalloc(map->key_size, GFP_USER);if (!key)goto err_put;
err = -EFAULT;if (copy_from_user(key, ukey, map->key_size) != 0)goto free_key;
if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH ||map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY)value_size = round_up(map->value_size, 8) * num_possible_cpus;elsevalue_size = map->value_size;
err = -ENOMEM;value = kmalloc(value_size, GFP_USER | __GFP_NOWARN);if (!value)goto free_key;
/* (1) 几种特殊类型map的处理 */if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH) {err = bpf_percpu_hash_copy(map, key, value);} else if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY) {err = bpf_percpu_array_copy(map, key, value);} else if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE) {err = bpf_stackmap_copy(map, key, value);
/* (2) 其他类型map都会调用map->ops->map_lookup_elem函数 */} else {rcu_read_lock;ptr = map->ops->map_lookup_elem(map, key);
/* (3.1) 赋值给value */if (ptr)memcpy(value, ptr, value_size);rcu_read_unlock;err = ptr ? 0 : -ENOENT;}
if (err)goto free_value;
err = -EFAULT;
/* (3.2) 将value值拷贝会给用户空间 */if (copy_to_user(uvalue, value, value_size) != 0)goto free_value;
err = 0;
free_value:kfree(value);free_key:kfree(key);err_put:fdput(f);return err;}
/* (2.1) key就是index */u32 index = *(u32 *)key;
if (unlikely(index >= array->map.max_entries))return NULL;
/* (2.2) 根据index,找到array->value[]数组中的value指针 */return array->value + array->elem_size * (index & array->index_mask);}
if (l)return l->key + round_up(map->key_size, 8);
return NULL;}
static void *__htab_map_lookup_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key){struct bpf_htab *htab = container_of(map, struct bpf_htab, map);struct hlist_head *head;struct htab_elem *l;u32 hash, key_size;
/* Must be called with rcu_read_lock. */WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held);
key_size = map->key_size;
/* (2.1) 根据key计算出hash值 */hash = htab_map_hash(key, key_size);
/* (2.2) 根据hash值找到链表头bucket */head = select_bucket(htab, hash);
/* (2.3) 在bucket链表中搜索key相等的htab_elem,如果找不到返回NULL */l = lookup_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size);
return l;}
除了用户态空间需要通过bpf系统调用来查找key对应的value值。BPF程序中也需要根据key查找到value的地址,然后在BPF程序中使用。BPF程序时通过调用BPF_FUNC_map_lookup_elem helper function来实现的。
我们以perf_event为例,看看BPF_FUNC_map_lookup_elem helper function的实现:
static struct bpf_prog_type_list perf_event_tl = {.ops = &perf_event_prog_ops,.type = BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT,};
static const struct bpf_func_proto *tp_prog_func_proto(enum bpf_func_id func_id){switch (func_id) {case BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output:return &bpf_perf_event_output_proto_tp;case BPF_FUNC_get_stackid:return &bpf_get_stackid_proto_tp;default:return tracing_func_proto(func_id);}}
static const struct bpf_func_proto *tracing_func_proto(enum bpf_func_id func_id){switch (func_id) {case BPF_FUNC_map_lookup_elem:return &bpf_map_lookup_elem_proto;case BPF_FUNC_map_update_elem:return &bpf_map_update_elem_proto;case BPF_FUNC_map_delete_elem:return &bpf_map_delete_elem_proto;case BPF_FUNC_probe_read:return &bpf_probe_read_proto;case BPF_FUNC_ktime_get_ns:return &bpf_ktime_get_ns_proto;case BPF_FUNC_tail_call:return &bpf_tail_call_proto;case BPF_FUNC_get_current_pid_tgid:return &bpf_get_current_pid_tgid_proto;case BPF_FUNC_get_current_task:return &bpf_get_current_task_proto;case BPF_FUNC_get_current_uid_gid:return &bpf_get_current_uid_gid_proto;case BPF_FUNC_get_current_comm:return &bpf_get_current_comm_proto;case BPF_FUNC_trace_printk:return bpf_get_trace_printk_proto;case BPF_FUNC_get_smp_processor_id:return &bpf_get_smp_processor_id_proto;case BPF_FUNC_perf_event_read:return &bpf_perf_event_read_proto;case BPF_FUNC_probe_write_user:return bpf_get_probe_write_proto;case BPF_FUNC_current_task_under_cgroup:return &bpf_current_task_under_cgroup_proto;case BPF_FUNC_get_prandom_u32:return &bpf_get_prandom_u32_proto;default:return NULL;}}
const struct bpf_func_proto bpf_map_lookup_elem_proto = {.func = bpf_map_lookup_elem,.gpl_only = false,.pkt_access = true,.ret_type = RET_PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL,.arg1_type = ARG_CONST_MAP_PTR,.arg2_type = ARG_PTR_TO_MAP_KEY,};
BPF_CALL_2(bpf_map_lookup_elem, struct bpf_map *, map, void *, key){WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held);return (unsigned long) map->ops->map_lookup_elem(map, key);}
关于map的helper function,还有BPF_FUNC_map_update_elem、BPF_FUNC_map_delete_elem可以使用,原理一样。
1.3、obj pin
return bpf_obj_pin_user(attr->bpf_fd, u64_to_ptr(attr->pathname));}
int bpf_obj_pin_user(u32 ufd, const char __user *pathname){struct filename *pname;enum bpf_type type;void *raw;int ret;
/* (1) 根据字符串获取路径 */pname = getname(pathname);if (IS_ERR(pname))return PTR_ERR(pname);
/* (2) 根据fd获取到bpf_map/bpf_prog对象 */raw = bpf_fd_probe_obj(ufd, &type);if (IS_ERR(raw)) {ret = PTR_ERR(raw);goto out;}
/* (3) 创建文件节点,和bpf对象联结起来 */ret = bpf_obj_do_pin(pname, raw, type);if (ret != 0)bpf_any_put(raw, type);out:putname(pname);return ret;}
static void *bpf_fd_probe_obj(u32 ufd, enum bpf_type *type){void *raw;
/* (2.1) 根据fd,尝试获取map对象 */*type = BPF_TYPE_MAP;raw = bpf_map_get_with_uref(ufd);if (IS_ERR(raw)) {/* (2.2) 如果失败,根据fd,尝试获取prog对象 */*type = BPF_TYPE_PROG;raw = bpf_prog_get(ufd);}
return raw;}
static int bpf_obj_do_pin(const struct filename *pathname, void *raw,enum bpf_type type){struct dentry *dentry;struct inode *dir;struct path path;umode_t mode;dev_t devt;int ret;
/* (3.1) 创建dentry对象 */dentry = kern_path_create(AT_FDCWD, pathname->name, &path, 0);if (IS_ERR(dentry))return PTR_ERR(dentry);
mode = S_IFREG | ((S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) & ~current_umask);
/* (3.2) type存储在devt中 */devt = MKDEV(UNNAMED_MAJOR, type);
ret = security_path_mknod(&path, dentry, mode, devt);if (ret)goto out;
dir = d_inode(path.dentry);if (dir->i_op != &bpf_dir_iops) {ret = -EPERM;goto out;}
/* (3.3) 对象指针raw存放到dentry->d_fsdata中,再来创建inode */dentry->d_fsdata = raw;ret = vfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode, devt);dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;out:done_path_create(&path, dentry);return ret;}
return bpf_obj_get_user(u64_to_ptr(attr->pathname));}
int bpf_obj_get_user(const char __user *pathname){enum bpf_type type = BPF_TYPE_UNSPEC;struct filename *pname;int ret = -ENOENT;void *raw;
/* (1) 根据字符串获取路径 */pname = getname(pathname);if (IS_ERR(pname))return PTR_ERR(pname);
/* (2) 根据路径,在对应inode中找到bpf对象的raw指针和type */raw = bpf_obj_do_get(pname, &type);if (IS_ERR(raw)) {ret = PTR_ERR(raw);goto out;}
/* (3) 根据对象type,在本进程中给bpf对象分配一个fd */if (type == BPF_TYPE_PROG)ret = bpf_prog_new_fd(raw);else if (type == BPF_TYPE_MAP)ret = bpf_map_new_fd(raw);elsegoto out;
if (ret < 0)bpf_any_put(raw, type);out:putname(pname);return ret;}
static void *bpf_obj_do_get(const struct filename *pathname,enum bpf_type *type){struct inode *inode;struct path path;void *raw;int ret;
/* (2.1) 根据路径,获取到dentry */ret = kern_path(pathname->name, LOOKUP_FOLLOW, &path);if (ret)return ERR_PTR(ret);
/* (2.2) 根据dentry,获取到inode */inode = d_backing_inode(path.dentry);ret = inode_permission(inode, MAY_WRITE);if (ret)goto out;
/* (2.3) 根据inode,获取到type */ret = bpf_inode_type(inode, type);if (ret)goto out;
/* (2.4) 根据inode和type,获取到raw指针 */raw = bpf_any_get(inode->i_private, *type);if (!IS_ERR(raw))touch_atime(&path);
path_put(&path);return raw;out:path_put(&path);return ERR_PTR(ret);}
- tracing:kprobe、tracepoint、perf_event
- filter:sk_filter、sched_cls、sched_act、xdp、cg_skb
ctx = perf_event_ctx_lock(event);ret = _perf_ioctl(event, cmd, arg);perf_event_ctx_unlock(event, ctx);
return ret;}
static long _perf_ioctl(struct perf_event *event, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){void (*func)(struct perf_event *);u32 flags = arg;
switch (cmd) {case PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE:func = _perf_event_enable;break;case PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE:func = _perf_event_disable;break;case PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET:func = _perf_event_reset;break;
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH:return _perf_event_refresh(event, arg);
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD:return perf_event_period(event, (u64 __user *)arg);
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID:{u64 id = primary_event_id(event);
if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &id, sizeof(id)))return -EFAULT;return 0;}
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT:{int ret;if (arg != -1) {struct perf_event *output_event;struct fd output;ret = perf_fget_light(arg, &output);if (ret)return ret;output_event = output.file->private_data;ret = perf_event_set_output(event, output_event);fdput(output);} else {ret = perf_event_set_output(event, NULL);}return ret;}
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER:return perf_event_set_filter(event, (void __user *)arg);
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF:return perf_event_set_bpf_prog(event, arg);
case PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT: {struct ring_buffer *rb;
rcu_read_lock;rb = rcu_dereference(event->rb);if (!rb || !rb->nr_pages) {rcu_read_unlock;return -EINVAL;}rb_toggle_paused(rb, !!arg);rcu_read_unlock;return 0;}default:return -ENOTTY;}
if (flags & PERF_IOC_FLAG_GROUP)perf_event_for_each(event, func);elseperf_event_for_each_child(event, func);
return 0;}
static int perf_event_set_bpf_prog(struct perf_event *event, u32 prog_fd){bool is_kprobe, is_tracepoint;struct bpf_prog *prog;
/* (1) 对于PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE、PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE类型的perf_event,需要绑定BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT类型的BPF prog event->prog = prog;*/if (event->attr.type == PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE ||event->attr.type == PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE)return perf_event_set_bpf_handler(event, prog_fd);
if (event->attr.type != PERF_TYPE_TRACEPOINT)return -EINVAL;
if (event->tp_event->prog)return -EEXIST;
is_kprobe = event->tp_event->flags & TRACE_EVENT_FL_UKPROBE;is_tracepoint = event->tp_event->flags & TRACE_EVENT_FL_TRACEPOINT;if (!is_kprobe && !is_tracepoint)/* bpf programs can only be attached to u/kprobe or tracepoint */return -EINVAL;
prog = bpf_prog_get(prog_fd);if (IS_ERR(prog))return PTR_ERR(prog);
/* (2) 对于TRACE_EVENT_FL_TRACEPOINT类型的perf_event,需要绑定BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT类型的BPF prog 对于TRACE_EVENT_FL_UKPROBE类型的perf_event,需要绑定BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE类型的BPF prog event->tp_event->prog = prog;*/if ((is_kprobe && prog->type != BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE) ||(is_tracepoint && prog->type != BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT)) {/* valid fd, but invalid bpf program type */bpf_prog_put(prog);return -EINVAL;}
/* (3) 如果是tracepoint类型的perf_event,需要注意自定义数据的大小不能超过bpf_prog中规定的context的大小,不然会被认为是非法访问 */if (is_tracepoint) {int off = trace_event_get_offsets(event->tp_event);
if (prog->aux->max_ctx_offset > off) {bpf_prog_put(prog);return -EACCES;}}event->tp_event->prog = prog;event->tp_event->bpf_prog_owner = event;
return 0;}
- 对于PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE、PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE类型的perf_event,需要绑定BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT类型的BPF prog。event->prog = prog;
- 对于TRACE_EVENT_FL_TRACEPOINT实现的PERF_TYPE_TRACEPOINT类型的perf_event,需要绑定BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT类型的BPF prog。event->tp_event->prog = prog;
- 对于TRACE_EVENT_FL_UKPROBE实现的PERF_TYPE_TRACEPOINT类型的perf_event,需要绑定BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE类型的BPF prog。event->tp_event->prog = prog;
/* (1) 构造context */struct bpf_perf_event_data_kern ctx = {.data = data,.regs = regs,};int ret = 0;
preempt_disable;if (unlikely(__this_cpu_inc_return(bpf_prog_active) != 1))goto out;rcu_read_lock;
/* (2) 调用bpf_prog处理 */ret = BPF_PROG_RUN(event->prog, (void *)&ctx);rcu_read_unlock;out:__this_cpu_dec(bpf_prog_active);preempt_enable;if (!ret)return;
/* (3) perf_event的数据处理 */event->orig_overflow_handler(event, data, regs);}
void perf_trace_run_bpf_submit(void *raw_data, int size, int rctx,struct trace_event_call *call, u64 count,struct pt_regs *regs, struct hlist_head *head,struct task_struct *task){struct bpf_prog *prog = call->prog;
/* (1) 调用bpf_prog处理 */if (prog) {*(struct pt_regs **)raw_data = regs;if (!trace_call_bpf(prog, raw_data) || hlist_empty(head)) {perf_swevent_put_recursion_context(rctx);return;}}
/* (2) perf_event的数据处理 */perf_tp_event(call->event.type, count, raw_data, size, regs, head,rctx, task);}
unsigned int trace_call_bpf(struct bpf_prog *prog, void *ctx){unsigned int ret;
if (in_nmi) /* not supported yet */return 1;
if (unlikely(__this_cpu_inc_return(bpf_prog_active) != 1)) {/** since some bpf program is already running on this cpu,* don't call into another bpf program (same or different)* and don't send kprobe event into ring-buffer,* so return zero here*/ret = 0;goto out;}
/* (1.1) 对bpf_prog的调用 */ret = BPF_PROG_RUN(prog, ctx);rcu_read_unlock;
return ret;}
/* (1) 调用bpf_prog处理 */if (prog && !trace_call_bpf(prog, regs))return;
head = this_cpu_ptr(call->perf_events);if (hlist_empty(head))return;
dsize = __get_data_size(&tk->tp, regs);__size = sizeof(*entry) + tk->tp.size + dsize;size = ALIGN(__size + sizeof(u32), sizeof(u64));size -= sizeof(u32);
entry = perf_trace_buf_alloc(size, NULL, &rctx);if (!entry)return;
entry->ip = (unsigned long)tk->rp.kp.addr;memset(&entry[1], 0, dsize);store_trace_args(sizeof(*entry), &tk->tp, regs, (u8 *)&entry[1], dsize);/* (2) perf_event的数据处理 */perf_trace_buf_submit(entry, size, rctx, call->event.type, 1, regs,head, NULL);}
/* (1) 调用bpf_prog处理 */if(prog && !trace_call_bpf(prog, regs))return;
head = this_cpu_ptr(call->perf_events);if(hlist_empty(head))return;
dsize = __get_data_size(&tk->tp, regs);__size = sizeof(*entry) + tk->tp.size + dsize;size = ALIGN(__size + sizeof(u32), sizeof(u64));size -= sizeof(u32);
entry = perf_trace_buf_alloc(size, NULL, &rctx);if(!entry)return;
entry->func = (unsignedlong)tk->rp.kp.addr;entry->ret_ip = (unsignedlong)ri->ret_addr;store_trace_args(sizeof(*entry), &tk->tp, regs, (u8 *)&entry[1], dsize);
/* (2) perf_event的数据处理 */perf_trace_buf_submit(entry, size, rctx, call->event.type, 1, regs,head, NULL);}返回搜狐,查看更多